Growing Conditions DO Matter!

I know that you’ve heard me talk about it before…the Young Living Seed to Seal Commitment.  It’s because quality really does matter.  Young Living is very particular with the way they grow and cultivate their herbs for essential oil production.  They believe that these plants should be grown on virgin, uncontaminated land.  Lands that are free of chemical herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides; far away from interstates, large heavily populated cities, factories, and nuclear plants!

The soil nourished with minerals, organic mulch, and enzymes in order to produce healthy robust plants that will yield higher quality oils.  The crops should be watered with deep well, watershed, or reservoir water.  (Mountain streams would be ideal with their high mineral content.) Municipally treated water should be avoided due to it’s ability to introduce unwanted chemical residues into the plants contaminating their essential oils.
The plant variety also matters!  Only plants that produce the highest quality essential oils should be selected!

Harvest time is one of the most important factors in the production of high quality essential oils. The season and time of day can play a critical role in whether the oil yield is of the best or substandard quality.  This difference in quality can literally be determined by just a few hours!  Take for example, German Chamomile harvested in the morning hours will produce an oil with far more azulene (a powerful compound that promotes a healthy inflammation response) than German Chamomile harvested in the late afternoon! How crazy is that??  Season and time of day aren’t the only factors to be considered when harvesting for quality essential oils, amount of dew on the leaves, percentage of plants in bloom, and the weather conditions two weeks prior to harvesting also play critical roles in the process.

Distillery location is a critical factor in the production of high quality essential oil.  Making sure the distillery is located in close proximity to the fields where the herbs are grown prevents the plants from drying out prior to being distilled.  Another advantage to local distillation?  Minimizing the exposure to pollutants, dust, mold, and petrochemical residues!

These are all actions taken by Young Living to ensure the quality of their essential oil products!  They stand behind the products that they produce.  If it isn’t grown on a Young Living Farm, it’s grown on a Young Living Partner farm and must adhere to these same strict standards.  There is a reason that Young Living is the World Leader in Essential Oils.



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