Be Mindful of Your Thoughts, Emotions, Beliefs, and Feelings…

Toxic emotions, thoughts, beliefs and feelings can wreak havoc on our emotional and physical health, and I am speaking from experience.  Trying to stuff them down doesn’t help either.  They have a tendency to rear their ugly head at the most inopportune times and can mess up our whole day (sometimes even our whole week).  They can lower our vibrational energy, which in turn lowers our immunity and makes us more susceptible to physical ailments not to mention all of the negative mental/emotional issues that these toxic thoughts can manifest.  Just because something unfavorable happens in our lives does not mean we have to continue to drown in that very unhappy place.  Instead, we need to seek mental clarity and process these negative

emotions, allowing us to grieve and be angry.  Then, when the time is right, learn to let go and find a place of peace.
No one’s life is perfect. It’s part of the human condition to suffer loss and grow.  This is where things can go wrong.  Sometimes we lose ourselves. It’s not uncommon after an emotionally traumatic event, that we just stop…stop trying, stop growing, stop caring.  These are unhealthy responses.  In order to come back to a place of peace, we must learn to process these traumatizing events, learn from them and grow into an even stronger version of ourselves.  We have to learn to let go of control (a very difficult one for me).  Many things in our lives are beyond our control and the sooner we learn that, the better off we will be.  We only have control over what we do and how we let a situation affect us.  We cannot control the way the world does things.  We cannot control the actions of others.  Instead we have to learn to accept what is and completely forgive those that have hurt us.  It doesn’t mean we have to allow others to continue to cause us emotional turmoil.  In fact, if these individuals only bring more toxicity into our lives, it’s best to keep our distance and if need be “love them from afar.”  They clearly have their own toxic garbage to work through.  It doesn’t mean that we don’t wish them well, send them positive thoughts or pray for them; it just means that we have got to keep our own space healthy and positive.

Replace Anger and Hatred with with Forgiveness, Love, Peacefulness, and Mercy.  Replace Sadness with Happiness, Cheerfulness, and TenacityAbandonment can be replaced with feeling Cherished, Precious, or Cared For.
Try daily affirmations replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
For example:

Instead of “I am angry“….

“I am forgiving.”
“I am loving.”
“I am merciful.”

Instead of “I feel abandoned“…

“I feel cherished.”
“I feel loved.”
“I feel cared for.”

Learning to feel positive and replace these negative emotions with positive emotions can and will help improve our emotional and physical being.  Learning to move into a place of love can have a profound effect on anyone.

If you are interested in learning more, I suggest purchasing the books Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman and Conquering Toxic Emotions by Rhonda Favano.  Both are amazing books available on Amazon that can help you navigate your way back into a healthy mindset.

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